Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag
Guinnea Flag


Ahmed Sekou Toure

Ahmed Sekou Toure was born in Guinnea in 1922. The son of a poor Muslim farmer, Toure was educated in the Kor'an at an early age and went on to a French Technical School in Conakry at the age of 14. After just a year at the school, he was expelled in 1937. This however did not deter the determined Sekou Toure who eventually took his examinations and passed. In 1941, he got a job at the Post and Telecommunications (PTT) Service. His leadership skills saw him ascend to the post of Secretary-General of the PTT Workers' Union. His success with the Labour Union Movement propelled him into politics and in 1946, together with other African nationalists like Houphouet-Boigny founded the Rassemblement Democratique Africaine (RDA). In 1956, he was elected Guinnea's deputy to the French National Assembly and Mayor of Conakry(Guinnea's Capital).

Sekou Toure is most remembered for his bold move in 1958, when he led Guinnea out of the French Community after winning a landmark referendum for independence. This was a serious blow to then French President Charles De Gaulle who saw other African nations follow Toure's example by bowing out of the French Community and opting for independence. Sekou Toure was therefore a very instrumental figure in Africa's independence struggle, especially French-speaking Africa. But Sekou Toure, in addition to being a great politician, was also an accomplished poet. He is on record as having proclaimed to De Gaulle, We Prefer poverty in liberty to riches in slavery.

Guinnea gained independence from France in 1958 with Sekou Toure as President. He was a Marxist, and during the early years of his Presidency, leaned towards the Soviet Bloc for aid. This is quite understandable given the fact that much of the Capitalist West was very much against him for abandoning France. Guinnea suffered economically under Socialist policies and in 1978, Sekou Toure abandoned Marxism, spearheaded economic liberation and re-established trade with the Capitalist West. Running unopposed, he was re-elected Guinnea's President in 1982. He died in 1984 while seeking the position of Chairman of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Ahmed Sekou Toure is definitely among the bravest of brave African warriors who fought hard for Africa's independence and will always be remembered as a true African Hero.

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